Mig's World Wines
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Reminder of the opening hours on December 31 and early January 28/12/2021

Dear wine and spirits lovers,

We hope that you had a merry Christmas Eve!

As New Year's eve is just around the corner, we are glad to be open this week, and to be there to help you find the perfect bottles of wine and champagne for your parties !

On the other hand, we would like to remind you of our opening hours on December 31st, as well as for the beginning of January 2022.

On December 31st, we will be open from :
11:00 am - 6:00 pm

We will then be CLOSED on the Monday 3rd of January, and on Tuesday 4th, due to our annual inventory.

We are looking forward to see you! And most of all, a Happy New Year!
Mig's World Wines